About Us

About Us

Qarar Foundation for Media and Sustainable Development is a civic, non-profit, and non-governmental organization that started its activities on August 6, 2011 that is active in the field of enhancing the role of the press in creating public opinion ,guidance and work to provide initiatives and solutions to support the independence of the Yemeni media and help them towards more transparency and institutionalization in a way that enhances the values of democracy and freedom in society ,and support individual and youth initiatives and work to combat everything that impedes comprehensive sustainable development in building the state and society alike and enhancing the role of women and preserving the great Yemeni heritage, civilization, architecture and art, and diligence in promoting it at home and abroad in a way that enhances partnership and cooperation with international institutions and reflects on society in general Especially.

our goals

The cumulative contribution to the comprehensive sustainable development process, foremost of which is building human.

Preserving the Yemeni heritage and architecture.

Taking the hand of the Yemeni women and promoting them and working to achieve equality in society.

Fighting all that hinders comprehensive sustainable development in building the state and society..

Encouraging individual youth initiatives

Strengthening the role of the journalism in the public opinion industry.

Encouraging and adopting scientific research and working to enhance scientific integrity.

Our Vision

Achievement is a decision

Enterprise Means

Create a comprehensive database according to international scientific standards, work to attract experts and scientific competencies, and conduct field surveys, research, and specialized studies.

Organizing seminars, workshops, debates and conferences related to comprehensive sustainable development that contribute to enhancing the spirit of transparency and democracy in society.

Organizing awareness campaigns through various modern means.

Organizing advocacy campaigns .